Professional Profile: Rob Merker 2009

Name: Rob Merker - 2009
Title: President
Company: Merker Realty Corp.
Location: Port Washington, NY
Birthplace: New York, NY, 1954
Family: Married with 4 children College: Currently, getting a PhD in Philosophy from the CUNY Graduate Center. First job outside of real estate: Computer programmer First job in real estate or allied field: Started my real estate company in 1985. What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I am currently transitioning into a semi-retirement phase of my life. I am planning on teaching at the university level while remaining active in real estate investment. Hobbies: Reading, studying philosophy, lying beside the swimming pool Favorite book: I typically read four to six novels a month. A list of favorites would have to have at least 20 or 30 books! Favorite movie: Favorite for 2008 is "Slum Dog Millionaire" Person you admire most (outside of family): Albert Einstein for "thinking outside the box" Keys to success: Work smart, work hard and try to enjoy life along the way. If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? I am going to be a university professor and see if I like that.