Professional Profile: Rob Liflander 2016

Name: Rob Liflander - 2016
Title: President
Company: Peregrine Renewable Energy
Location: Stamford, CT
Birthplace: Manhasset, NY
Education: MBA, Columbia. BA, Brandeis.
First job outside of real estate: Financial analyst at Simon & Schuster (1988)
First job in real estate or allied field: Commercial solar sales (2012)
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Started Peregrine to develop commercial solar power projects. We pride ourselves on representing the interests of the property owner, from the decision to do the project, to the financing, to the actual construction.
How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? Sit back and root for the NY Mets with a nice glass of aged rum.
Favorite book or author: “Blink,” by Malcolm Gladwell
Favorite movie: “Rocky” (original from 1976)
Last song you purchased/downloaded? “Breakdown,” by Jack Johnson
One word to describe your work environment: Active
Rules to live by in business: Transparency – hiding stuff doesn’t help anyone
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who would it be and where would you go? Paul McCartney – I’m fascinated by the 1960’s.
What is your dream job? Astronaut. What else could it be?