Professional Profile: Richard Zona 2009

Name: Richard Zona - 2009
Title: Owner and president
Company: Zona Properties, Inc.
Location: P.O. Box 17937, Rochester, N.Y. 14617
Family: Wife, Barbara who works in the company as well as maintains her own business, Xocai Healthy Chocolate; Daughter, Regina who currently heads the opera department of the University of Minnesota at Duluth College: State University of New York at Fredonia. Graduated in 1970 with a bachelors degree in Music, concentrating in teaching and performance. Eastman School of Music, graduate work. First job outside of real estate: Music teacher in suburban public and parochial schools. First job in real estate or allied field: Broker associate, Century 21 Cardinal. What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I have been investing and managing real estate in the Rochester area since 1984. Zona Properties is a full service licensed brokerage specializing in the management of small to large apartment buildings and small office/commercial properties. We currently manage over 700 units in 120 different properties in the Rochester area. We maintain a staff of 18 employees working in the office, rental department and maintenance. Hobbies: Golf, music performance Favorite movie: "The Godfather" Keys to success: Fairness in all things, providing an honest and high quality service to my clients and maintaining an positive outlook.