Professional Profile: Richard Sander 2008

Richard Sander - 2008

Name: Richard Sander - 2008

Title: Architect

Company: Zaxis Architectural, P.C.

Location: 4245 Union Rd., Ste. 210, Buffalo, NY 14225

Birthplace: Jamestown, N.Y., 1957

Family: Wife, Marjorie College: Alfred State College First job outside of real estate: Crawford Furniture Factory First job in real estate or allied field: Hendryx Architects What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Architectural firm that provides quality and enjoyable professional services related to architecture and design. Hobbies: Photography Favorite book: "The Hunt for Red October" Favorite movie: "The Godfather" I & II Persons you admire most (outside of family): Leonard Kolb, Abraham Lincoln Key to success: Hard work If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Dentist