Professional Profile: Punit Shah 2021

Punit Shah

Name: Punit Shah

Title: Director of Audits

Company: Bright Power Inc.

Location: New York, NY

Birthplace: Maharashtra, India

Education: Master’s in mechanical engineering

First job: Project engineer in manufacturing

First job in real estate or allied field: Engineering intern at the facilities and energy management department at my university in Detroit

What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I currently lead the NY metro energy audit business at Bright Power. I want to continue to work in this field to help fight the climate crisis and make buildings more efficient and comfortable.

How do you unwind from a busy day? I generally unwind by cooking and spending time with my kids and family. I find cooking very therapeutic, especially after a busy day at work.

Favorite book or author: “The Alchemist” by Paolo Coelho

Favorite movie: “The Dark Knight” (or any Christopher Nolan movie)

Last song/album that you purchased/downloaded? Hans Zimmer Live in Prague

One word to describe your work environment: Collaborative

Rules to live by in business: Work hard to gain your customer’s trust and even harder to maintain that trust.

If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who would it be and where would you go? Anthony Bourdain. I would let him choose the place.

What is your DREAM job? (something other than your current job) Food travel blogger