Professional Profile: Peter Fusco 2004

Name: Peter Fusco - 2004
Title: Vice President
Company: Classic Security
Location: New York, N.Y.
Birthplace: Brooklyn, 1956
Family: Married, three children, all boys: 17, 13, 8 College: BS in Criminal Justice, John Jay College of Criminal Justice; currently working toward my BA in Security Management. First job outside of real estate: State University of New York police officer First job in real estate or allied field: Classic Security VP — August 2001 What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Classic Security provides contract security and investigatory services to the real estate industry. We are licensed in New York, Connecticut, Maryland and Washington, D.C. We plan to expand shortly into Virginia and New Jersey. Hobbies: Assistant scoutmaster, Boy Scouts; volunteer firefighter, Valley Stream Long Island Favorite book: “The Hunt for Red October" by Tom Clancy Favorite movie: “The Blues Brothers" Persons you most admire (outside of family): The regular beat cops of the NYPD Keys to success: Professionalism, supervision, loyalty and dedication If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Firefighter