Professional Profile: Penny Wickey 2009

Name: Penny Wickey- 2009
Title: Principal, Managing Member
Company: Saugatuck Commercial Real Estate LLC
Location: Westport, CT 06880
Birthplace: San Mateo, Calif., January, 1953
Family: Husband, Bob; kids: Emily (25), Sydney (22), George (18) College: Smith College, BA; Cornell University, MBA First job outside of real estate: Bank of Boston - Multinational Commercial Lending First job in real estate or allied field: Tenant rep, local company What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Tenant and LL representation; investment and consulting Hobbies: Baking, working out, sports events, reading Favorite book: "House of Spirits," Isabella Allende Favorite movie: "Dirty Dancing" Key to success: Passionate, hunger, love of the game, never die; maintaining a code of ethics If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Professional athlete: baseball, football, ice hockey