Professional Profile: Paul Muck 2016

Name: Paul Muck - 2016
Title: Facility Director
Company: Newmark Grubb Knight Frank
Location: Praxair Technology Center, Tonawanda, NY
Birthplace: Buffalo, NY
Family: Wife and son
College: University of Rochester – Simon School
First job unrelated to your current field: Pumping gas at a neighborhood Gulf station
First job in current field: Facility manager for Jones Lang LaSalle
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? NGKF is a fully integrated real estate service provider that offers commercial real estate tenants, owners, developers and investors a wide range of services.
Hobbies: Riding my Harley and enjoying the great outdoors!
Favorite novel: Anything by Robert Heinlein or Arthur Clarke
Favorite film: Depends – sometimes it’s "Gone With The Wind" and sometimes it’s "The Lego Movie"
Keys to success: Positive attitude, being resilient, treat people how you want to be treated
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Leaders like Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill who guided their country through the worst of times.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Naval aviator but my eyesight was too bad...