Professional Profile: Patricia Neumann 2006

Name: Patricia Neumann - 2006
Title: Principal in Charge of Marketing
Company: Accu-Cost Construction Consultants, Inc.
Location: 440 Ninth Ave., 18th FL., New York, NY 1001
Birthplace: Yonkers, N.Y., 1956
Family: Husband, Scott and son, Brian, age 19 College: Berkeley Claremont Business School First job outside of real estate: National Geographic Magazine-started as a secretary in advertising sales and worked my way to assistant business manager. First job in real estate or allied field: Federman Construction Consultants, Inc What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Acc-Cost Construction Consultants, Inc. is a small cost consulting firm that has been providing accurate, quality, and reliable service for the past 13 years on an average of 250 projects per year. We would like to grow our firm as well as expand our services without losing the quality of services we are known to provide. Organizations: SMPS NY Area Chapter, Professional Women in Construction (PWC) Favorite book: No favorite, but I like a good mystery novel. Person you admire most (outside of family): Katharine Hepburn, a woman who lived “her own” life. Keys to success: Hard work, determination, and doing the best job you can If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? An actress, they seem to love their profession