Professional Profile: Norman Neinchel 1996

Name: Norman Neinchel - 1996
Title: President
Company: National Income Property Advisors, LLC
Location: Campbell, Calif.
Birthplace: Providence, R.I., October 19, 1932
Family: Wife, Nancy; son, David; daughter, Lisa College: University of Rhode Island, Stanford University First job in technology or allied field: Ballistic missile trajectory mathematician What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Improve my current successful technique for greatly lowering the risk of paying too much for income properties. Demonstrating it to federal financial regulators. Hobbies: Computers, astronomical photography Favorite book: “Profiles in Courage,” Kennedy Favorite movie: “Casablanca” Person you most admire (outside of family): Economist, Professor Milton Friedman Key to success: Belief that adversity always presents new opportunities for success. If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Astronomer