Professional Profile: Neil MacDonald 2009

Name: Neil MacDonald - 2009
Title: Partner
Company: William F. Collins, AIA Architects, LLP
Location: 12-1 Technology Dr., Setauket, NY 11733
Birthplace: Long Island, NY, 1969
Family: Married, two children College: University of Buffalo First job in real estate or allied field: JRS Architects, P.C. What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? WFC has for over 20 years provided high caliber design professional services to commercial clientele. Our many core strengths include: architecture, engineering, interior design, planning and program management on a wide array of project types ranging from small ground up buildings to the recent national award winning restoration and rehabilitation of the Verizon World Headquarters building damaged on 9/11. Among our current initiatives are several LEED certified buildings in various stages of design and construction. Future plans of growth include markets such as retail, finance and renewable energy. Hobbies: Golf, mountain biking, jet skiing Favorite book: "Pillars of the Earth" Persons you admire most (outside of family): John Adams, Santiago Calatrava Keys to success: Building long-standing client relationships and a continuous focus on providing best in class service If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? An author