Professional Profile: Nanci D’Alessandro 1995

Name: Nanci D’Alessandro - 1995
Title: Project Coordinator
Company: Corporate Property Investors
Location: 305 East 47th St., NY, NY 10017
Birthplace: NY, NY; 1963
Place of Birth and year: NY, NY; 1963 Family: Daughter, Briana Lyn, 23 months High School/College activities: Track, softball, Junior Achievement First job outside of real estate: Restaurant Management, retail management First job in real estate or allied field: Pembrook Management, Inc.; Shopping Center Management What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Real Estate Asset management; future PhD/Urban Planning Hobbies, likes and dislikes: Likes: Sports and reading: Dislikes pollution Extracurricular time: Running and hiking; motherhood Last or favorite book: Tom Clancy, Debt of Honor Last or favorite movie: Diehard