Professional Profile: Michelle Lanzisera 2006

Name: Michelle Lanzisera - 2006
Title: Business Development Associate
Company: Vanguard Title Agency, Inc.
Location: 164 Madison Ave., 2nd Fl., New York, NY
Birthplace: Dover, NJ
Family: Youngest of 5 children College: Attended County College of Morris in Randolph, N.J., Accounting major First job outside of real estate: Head teller at Hudson City Savings Bank, Florham Park, N.J. for 3 years First job in real estate or allied field: Foreclosure/bankruptcy/eviction legal assistant at Fein Such Kahn & Shepard, P.C. in Parsippany, N.J. for over 4 years. What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Vanguard Title Agency, Inc. is a full service state –of-the art title insurance agency providing title insurance for both residential and commercial transactions. Our future is simple and clear-we are looking to expand our national market and although we’ve just begun to venture into the new international market, we are also looking forward to expanding our business and services there as well. Favorite book: “Derailed” by James Siegel Favorite movie: “Crash” Person you most admire (outside of family): Mary Kay Ash. She’s one of the smartest and most inspiring women we were so fortunate to have in our lifetime. Keys to success: Perseverance, patience and integrity