Professional Profile: Michele Raab-Francis 2000
Michele Raab-Francis - 2000
Name: Michele Raab-Francis - 2000
Title: President
Company: Safe Harbor Capital Group, LLC
Location: Jericho, NY
Birthplace: Huntington, N.Y., 1962
Family: Husband, Arthur Francis; 4 children: Mickey (13), Catleen (12), Bourke (4), and Padriag (3) College: Manhattan College, B.S., Finance, Economics; College of Mt. St. Vincent First job outside of finance: Oppenheimer Mutual Fund Group; Wholesale rep-N.Y. and environs First job in finance: M&T Mortgage loan officer What do you do now and what you planning for the future? We focus on new construction, purchase businesses, and our expansion includes banking status in the following states-New York, Virginia, Washington D.C., Maryland, and Florida Hobbies: Running, biking, surfing, reading, cooking Favorite book: “Island in the Stream,” Hemingway (summertime), “A Christmas Carol,” Charles Dickens (wintertime) Person you most admire (outside of family): Those who have dedicated their lives to working with unfortunate individuals in impoverished countries. Keys to success: Tenacious, not easily pulled apart; cohesive, tough-holding fast, remain positive and always keep your goals in mind If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? National Geographic explorer