Professional Profile: Michael Thaler 2012

Name: Michael Thaler - 2012
Title: President
Company: TLR Energy Inc.
Location: 375 South End Ave., New York, NY 10280
Birthplace: New York City
College: SUNY Binghamton First job outside of real estate: Energy Commodity Trader First job in real estate or allied field: TLR Energy What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? TLR Energy is a leader in energy procurement to commercial businesses, creating strategic strategies to mitigate energy and water consumption through efficiency recommendations and implementation. We are leaders in the dialogue on sustainability and building green in urban areas. We offer procurement, benchmarking, energy and water efficiency projects, renewable energy, RECs, lighting retrofits and controls and building management systems. We seek to expand to every deregulated state in the U.S. Hobbies: Avid gardener and tree collector with over 300 tree specimens to the collection Favorite book: "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" by Jules Verne Favorite movie: "Lord of the Rings" Person you admire most (outside of family): President Clinton Keys to success: Professionalism and perseverance If you had choose another vocation what would it be? Politics