Professional Profile: Michael McManus 2019

Name: Michael McManus
Title: Project Director
Company: IA Interior Architects
Location: 100 Broadway, New York City
Birthplace: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Education: Dawson College, Montreal Bach - Interior Design
First job outside of real estate: Tobacco retail store clerk
First job in real estate or allied field: Designing retail stores
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Currently working as a project director and plan to be the best director and the rest will fall into place.
How do you unwind from a busy day? Spend time with family, friends and pets.
Favorite book or author: Can’t, there are too many to decide.
Favorite movie: Can’t, there are too many to decide.
Last song you purchased/downloaded? My musical tastes are diversified from classics to rap, however I did not have any of the Beatles catalogue (together nor as individual artists).
One word to describe your work environment: Collegial
Rules to live by in business: I try to live by honesty, passion for design, hard work, mentorship, communication, and constantly developing and learning.
What is your dream job? To have travel the world and explore marine life in the seven seas and work with Jacque Cousteau.