Professional Profile: Michael Barsella 2004

Name: Michael Barsella - 2004
Title: President
Company: Percival Surveillance Solutions, Inc.
Location: New York, N.Y.
Birthplace: Brooklyn, 1966
Family: Single College: B.S. in aerospace engineering, U.S. Military Academy at West Point; MBA from the Yale School of Management First job outside of real estate: Platoon leader in U.S Army First job in real estate or allied field: V.P. of business development for a security company What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? We focus on total security and surveillance solutions, including digital CCTV, electronic access control, fire and life safety, remote video monitoring, and physical (guard) security. In the next few years, we intend to enter the home entertainment and integration fields. Hobbies: Playing saxophone, working out, reading, skiing Favorite book: "Hawaii" by James Michener Favorite movie: "Platoon" Persons you most admire (outside of family): Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Ossian Flipper, Colin Powell Key to success: Never quit, no matter what If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Jazz musician