Professional Profile: Michael Axler 1994

Name: Mike Axler - 1994
Title: President
Company: Michael M. Axler & Associates
Location: 432 Park Ave., South, New York, NY
Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA
Place of birth and year: Philadelphia, PA Family: Married, two children What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: Our valuation and consulting practice has served all components of the real estate community, i.e. attorneys, financial institutions pension fund advisors, investment bankers. Going forward, we hope to continue to provide meaningful, well articulated appraisals and consulting studies that focus directly on the issues and variable that are determining real estate value and development trends. We will continue to strive more efficient data collection methods and reporting presentations to meet the challenges of a competitive and rapidly changing real estate market. Business philosophy: To provide quality real estate valuation & consulting services to clients in a timely manner.