Professional Profile: Maureen Wilson 1998

Name: Maureen Wilson - 1998
Title: Broker assistant
Company: Robert A. Mead & Associates, Inc./New America International
Location: 111 Grant Ave., P.O. Box 330, Endicott, NY 13760
Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA
Family: Husband and two children College: Bucknell (BA), Binghampton University (MA, MBA) First job outside of real estate: Systems engineer (IBM) First job in real estate or allied field: This one (11 years) What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Commercial brokerage, including industrial, office and retail Hobbies: Skiing, running, exercise, and animals Last book read: "Freud" by Peter Gay and "Paradise" by Toni Morrison Key to success: Work smart If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Law or academics