Professional Profile: Matthew Cronin 2018

Matthew Cronin

Name: Matthew Cronin

Title: Executive Vice President, NYC Department Head

Company: The Falcon Group

Location: New York, NY

Birthplace: Long Island, NY

Education: Master of Architecture, Tulane University

First job outside of real estate: My first job ever was a newspaper route when I was 11-years old.

What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I’m just beginning in my new position as a department head with The Falcon Group and I’m looking forward to a long and prosperous future there.

How do you unwind from a busy day? After a long day at work I find relaxation in cooking and then enjoying an excellent dinner.

Favorite book or author: Neil Gaiman

Favorite movie: There are just too many movies that I love, to pick just one is impossible. I would have to say that my favorite changes with my mood.

Last song you purchased/downloaded? “Skeleton Tree” by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

One word to describe your work environment: Collaborative 

Rules to live by in business: Hard work and dedication are always required but don’t confuse effort with results.

What is your dream job? Right now it’s the one I’m just beginning.