Professional Profile: Matthew Brady Jr. 2004

Name: Matthew Brady Jr. - 2004
Title: Special Project Manager
Company: Summit Security Services, Inc.
Location: 194 EAB Plaza, Lobby Level — West Tower, Uniondale, NY 11556
Birthplace: Brooklyn, N.Y., 1951
Family: Married, 4 children, 1 grandson College: B.S., Adelphi University First job outside of real estate: Nassau County police officer First job in real estate or allied field: Summit Security, special project manager What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Provide security services to a wide variety of commercial and residential entities. Continue steady growth and client retention. Hobbies: Running, bagpipes, travel Favorite book: “A Clear and Present Danger" Favorite movie: “Casablanca" Person you most admire (outside of family): Winston Churchill Keys to success: Treat people as you wish to be treated. Show genuine care and concern. Be upbeat. If you had to choose another vocation, what would it be? I had a wonderful 33 year career with the Police Dept. and would not change that.