Professional Profile: Mark Shapiro 2017

Name: Mark Shapiro
Title: Vice President - Account Executive
Company: The Advance Group
Location: Corporate Farmingdale; Maspeth; Harrison, NJ; and Manhattan offices
Birthplace: Far Rockaway, NY
Education: BS Economics, Ithaca
First job: “French fries guy” All American, Massapequa
First job in real estate or allied field: Director business development, The Advance Group
What do you do now and what are you planning? Currently in sales and manage accounts. Future—grow at Advance, continue to extend my experience and services nationally and globally.
How do you unwind from a busy day? Warm weather evenings—walking 9 holes with my sons. Year-round—morning pick-up ice hockey to unwind before the busy day.
Favorite book or author: “How Successful People Think,” John Maxwell
Favorite movie: The original “Bad News Bears”
Last song/album that you purchased/downloaded? Never
One word to describe your work environment: Unrestricted
Rules to live by in business: 1. Employ creative thinking to be successful above and beyond the crowds of “popular” thinkers. 2. You have your reputation and your word—always keep both in good standing. 3. Be consistent. 4. Sometimes Karma is not nice so you should be
If you could invite one person to dinner who would it be and where would you go? Thomas Jefferson, Changing Times
What is your dream job? Keeping the free hot dog cart filled on a tropical beach