Professional Profile: Mark Morano 1994

Name: Mark Morano - 1994
Title: Vice president
Company: Upstate Appraisal, Inc.
Location: 11 Computer Dr., West Albany, NY 12205
Birthplace: N/A
Family: Wife, Janice High school/college activities: H.S. varsity basketball, baseball; college radio disc jockey; reporter - college newspaper; sports First job outside of real estate: N.Y. State Assembly Legislative aide What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Corporate development/manage residential appraisal company - to grow the company into commercial appraisal and offer several other related services Hobbies: Collect sports memorabilia Last book: "Uh Oh," Robert Fulgham Favorite movie: “Big” Person you most emulate: The military people who are in service for cur country and war veterans Key to success: You can achieve anything with a positive attitude. If you were not successful in the business you are now in and were forced to choose another vocation, whether you are qualified or not, what would it be? Professional athlete - preferably baseball