Professional Profile: Mark Dooling 2003

Name: Mark Dooling - 2003
Title: President
Company: Dooling & Company Architects
Location: Newton, Mass.
Birthplace: Framingham, Mass., 1939
Family: Wife, Charlotte, 4 children and 2 grandchildren College: Catholic University in Washington, D.C. First job outside of real estate: Testing tubes in TV repair shop First job in real estate or allied field: Summer, 1960, for Maginnis, Walsh & Kennedy Architects in Boston What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Currently focused on retail (Stop & Shop and Piccadilly Pub) and housing. Looking forward to instigating more projects with developer teams. Hobbies: Watercolors and sailing Favorite Novel: “An Imaginary Life: by David Malouf Favorite movie: “Casablanca” Key to Success: Speak impeccably, take nothing personally, make no assumptions and always do my best. Person you most admire (outside of family): Bill Gillitt, architect and John Singer Sargent, painter If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Teacher