Professional Profile: Mark Barie 2008

Name: Mark Barie - 2008
Title: President
Company: CDC Real Estate Inc.
Location: Rouses Point, N.Y.
Birthplace: N/A
Family: Wife, Christine and children: Eric (28), Oliver (18), Alexandra (17) and Sebastian (14) College: SUNY Plattsburgh and St. Michaels (masters in Administration) First job outside of real estate: Sales representative - Metropolitan Life Insurance Company First job in real estate or allied field: Founder and president of Crossborder Development Corporation What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: We lease and sell commercial and industrial real estate only. Our plans for the future include a significant expansion into retail commercial. Hobbies: Bonsai, guitar, writing non-fiction Favorite book: "Saving the Queen" by Bill Buckley Favorite movie: "The Sandlot" Persons you admire most: Ronald Reagan and my Mom Keys to success: Attention to detail, honesty and the Golden Rule If you had to choose another vocation what would it be: Teacher