Professional Profile: Marcel Fridman 2012

Name: Marcel Fridman - 2012
Title: President
Company: Barcel Group
Location: Brooklyn, N.Y.
Birthplace: Brooklyn, N.Y.
College: CUNY First job outside of real estate: Pharmacy tech First job in real estate or allied field: Itzhaki Properties What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Our firm specializes in brokering multifamily apartment buildings in the five boroughs; we plan to expand our business into the sale of shopping centers. Hobbies: Attending Knicks games. I am a season ticket holder (floor seats) Favorite book: "Of Mice and Men" Favorite movie: "Casino" Person you admire (outside of family): Donald Trump Keys to success: Staying positive and never giving up. If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? I would like to be a professional sports agent.