Professional Profile: Marc Sznajderman 2016

Marc Sznajderman - 2016

Name: Marc Sznajderman - 2016

Title: Managing Partner

Company: RM Capital Management LLC

Location: New York, NY

Birthplace: Hackensack, NJ

Education: BS in Finance from Syracuse University and MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University

First job outside of real estate:  Bussing tables for a catering business.

First job in real estate or allied field: Goldman Sachs Real Estate Investment Banking Department

What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? We provide capital markets based solutions for complex real estate challenges  - whether requiring new capital (debt and equity), restructurings or other advisory work. We represent two public companies and a $10 billion AUM asset manager, among other clients.

How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? I unwind in the morning! Running, cycling, boot camp or yoga and competitive ultimate frisbee again after a long absence.

Favorite book or author:  The biography of “Elon Musk” by Ashlee Vance.

Favorite movie: Tough question for me - I’m not much of a movie buff…but I am a big fan of the “Thomas Crown Affair.” Chase film with a twist.

Last song you downloaded? The Hamilton soundtrack has been playing day and night at my house lately.

One word to describe your work environment: Creative chaos. We constantly hustle and push and have fun with it.

Rules to live by in business:  Lay it on the line for your clients and offer creative solutions to their challenges.

If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead) who would it be and where would you go? Alexander Hamilton at Fraunces Tavern.

What is your dream job?  Brain surgeon. How cool would that be?