Professional Profile: Lisa Fingar 2018

Lisa Fingar

Name: Lisa Fingar

Title: Associate/Marketing Manager

Company: SWBR

Location: 387 East Main Street, Rochester, NY 14604

Birthplace: Hudson, NY

Education: B.A. English, SUNY Geneseo

First job outside of real estate: International Department Marketing Assistant Ward’s Natural Science 

First job in real estate or allied field: Marketing coordinator for SWBR

What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I manage the marketing department for our firm, which has grown over the past two years and continues to grow. We are continuing to expand and we’re looking forward to supporting new growth through content marketing, and video production in the near future. 

How do you unwind from a busy day? Spend time with the family

Last song you purchased/downloaded? “Happy” by Pharrell Williams

One word to describe your work environment: Growing

Rules to live by in business: Stick to your word.

What is your dream job? If I had to start over again I would be a teacher.