Professional Profile: Lee Schlatterer 2017

Name: Lee Schlatterer - 2017
Title: Senior Designer, Interiors
Company: Carmina Wood Morris, DPC
Location: 487 Main Street Ste 500, Buffalo NY 14203
Birthplace: Tonawanda, NY
Family: Husband, son and daughter
College: University of Buffalo and Villa Maria College
First job unrelated to your current field: Decorative product specialist at Sherwin Williams Company
First job in current field: Designer at Carmina Wood Morris DPC
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Architecture, interior design and civil engineering–continue to develop successful client centered project solutions and grow the business into new markets
Hobbies: Reading, cooking, painting and hanging out with family
Favorite novel: Narnia series and DaVinci Code series
Favorite film: “Pretty Woman,” “Wizard of Oz”
Keys to success: Hardwork, dedication and striving to give best possible personal service/ attention to each of our clients
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Teachers–the chance to inspire young people to find their own strengths and life’s passion- while in a setting that can hold many challenges.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Event planning