Professional Profile: Lawrence Kushnick 2004

Name: Lawrence Kushnick - 2004
Title: Founding Partner
Company: Kushnick & Associates, P.C.
Location: -
Birthplace: -
- Please discuss your charitable/organizational involvements. I helped establish the Boys and Girls Club of Huntington Station; the Huntington Station Enrichment Center; function as pro bono legal counsel for numerous not-for-profit organizations
- What awards/commendations have you received (business and otherwise)? Huntington Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year Award; Long Island Business News “40 under 30” award and 101 Volunteers of the Millennium Award
- What are some of your most notable achievements (business and otherwise)? The representation of hundreds of people and entities involved in construction, commercial and real estate ventures ranging from owners, general contractors, construction managers, subcontractors, architects, engineers, surveyors, mortgage bankers and more.
- What are some notable transactions or projects in which you have been involved? For the past three years, I have functioned as general counsel for Mortgage Bankers-Berkshire Financial Group where I have helped their explosive growth.
- Please discuss your professional background. I was a past law review editor. I began my legal career in 1988 working for a large firm in New York City where I represented auto manufacturers such as Honda, Chrysler, Toyota, Nissan, in product liability suits through-out the United States. At the firm, I also represented the city of New York and other construction firms in major construction disasters stemming from crane collapses to water main breaks. I later joined a Long Island firm where I represented architects and engineers in malpractice claims and practiced in construction and commercial litigation. Seven years ago, I formed Kushnick & Assocaites, where I have focused in costruction, real estate and commercial litigation
- What do you feel sets you or your company/firm apart from competitors within your industry? From experience, we possess the skill sets necessary to evaluate and litigate construction and commercial matters, which stems from our involvement in numerous trials and arbitrations throughout the United States. The key to the successful prosecution or defense of a construction litigation or arbitration is knowing where to look, what to look for and what questions to ask. Prior representation of entities in just about every aspect of construction provides a keen insight into dissecting the problem to determine the true cause or causes and the precise measure of damages.
- Do you see your industry in a more favorable or less favorable position six months from today? With the increase in construction, we see the inevitable increase in construction litigation. More and more, we are getting involved in projects that are nearing completion to consult with the transactional attorneys to unearth problematic areas and work on solutions to avoid litigation and close out the project.