Professional Profile: Laurie Venditti 2006

Name: Laurie Venditti - 2006
Title: Regional Sales Manager - Security Advisor
Company: Total Recall Corporation
Location: Suffern, N.Y. and New York City
Birthplace: Fayetteville-Manlius, Upstate New York
Family: Mom, brothers and sister, live in eastern suburbs of Syracuse First job outside of real estate: Regional sales manager for CIS Corporation structuring multimillion dollar lease financing for mainframe and integration technologies for Fortune 500 corporations in 11 states on the east coast. Maine to Florida. First job in real estate or allied field: Command Systems (Farmington, Conn.). Government Services sales manager for NYPD and FDNY offering integrated technology solutions (i.e., Parking Ticket Handheld Automation System at NYPD and Inventory Control Management System at FDNY) What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Total Recall Corporation - Integrated Security Solutions - from Concept to Completion is offering Public Safety Video Surveillance Solutions. Helping to Protect America One Cit At a Time! Hobbies: Reading, online research, volunteering, cooking, horseback riding and skiing Favorite books: “The Power of Now” - Eckhart Tolle and “Digital Fortress” - Dan Brown Favorite TV series “24” and favorite movie “The Matrix” Persons you admire most (outside of family): NYPD Key to success: If you choose a career doing what you love then you never have to work a day in your life. If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Law enforcement