Professional Profile: Kenneth Adams 2004

Name: Ken Adams - 2004
Title: President
Company: Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce
Location: 25 Elm Place, Suite 200, Downtown Brooklyn
Birthplace: Manhattan, 1960, (grew up in Cobble Hill in Brooklyn)
Family: Wife, Diana, daughters, Rose and Ginger College: BA and MA degrees from Middlebury College, graduated Phi Beta Kappa and Magna Cum Laude First Job Unrelated to your current field: Founding Executive Director of New York Cares, which he ran from 1988 to 1994 to mobilize volunteers. First Job in current field: Director of the MetroTech Business Improvement District in Downtown Brooklyn What Your Firm Does Now and Its Plans for the Future: The Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce is a business assistance and economic development organization. Hobbies Running, Ice Hockey, Skiing, Gardening Favorite Novel: Don Quijote Favorite Film: Apocalypse Now Keys to Success: Teamwork Person(s) You Most Admire (outside of family): F.D.R.