Professional Profile: Julia Maksimova 2017

Name: Julia Maksimova
Title: Director
Company: KW Commercial NYC/Keller Williams NYC
Location: 1155 Avenue of the Americas, 6th floor, New York, NY 10036
Birthplace: Moscow, Russia (then USSR)
Education: Bachelors degree in Economics, Moscow State University (this is considered to be the top school in Russia)
First job outside of real estate: I was handing out flyers for my mom’s then boyfriend’s dental practice near Herald Sq.
First job in real estate or allied field: Research intern at Cushman & Wakefield, Moscow starting my second year of college. We had to classify office buildings in Moscow according to the standard class A, B or C criteria. Part of my research job was to call the owners and ask then a series of questions. It was entertaining to say the least as Russian landlords couldn’t understand the purpose of the exercise and why they should answer any questions – so I had to get creative and say that I’m calling on the behalf of the Russian government.
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? My job consists of landlord and tenant representation on retail and office spaces; lately I’ve been more involved on the acquisition side of the business – I think it’s a great opportunity in this shifting market; I love math and science. I want to learn more about development, air rights and zoning – my goal is to be involved in hotel development. I also want to capitalize on this market by bringing foreign investors to NY.
How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? I walk in Central Park; I have my “spot” near Tavern of the Green where I relax, observe the beautiful scenery, think about the day, my goals, and the future. Sometimes I like to listen to an audio book while walking a small loop in the park. I usually partake in active activities is in the morning.
Favorite book or author: Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist (is that too cliché?)
Favorite movie: A Beautiful Life
Last song you purchased/downloaded? None, but last thing I purchased this past week was Transurfing by Vadim Zeland (it’s a series of books/lectures about transforming your realty by a Russian author)
One word to describe your work environment: Collaborative
Rules to live by in business: Keep learning, keep moving forward, time kills deals.
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead, but not related to you) who would it be and where would you go? Great question. Probably Oprah. I would want to see firsthand how she’s wired. We would first go somewhere where she wants and then somewhere quiet where we can talk.
What is your DREAM job? What I do is my dream job, otherwise why would I be doing it? But perhaps I would like to add some type of design element to it, I’m very good with aesthetics.