Professional Profile: John Funiciello 2013

Name: John Funiciello - 2013
Title: President
Company: JF Real Estate
Location: The Atrium, 2 Clinton Square, Syracuse, NY 13202
Birthplace: Watertown, NY
Family: Married with 4 children College: SUNY Cortland First job unrelated to your current field: Lifeguard First job in your current field: Salesman at Pyramid Brokerage What your firm does now and its plans for the future? JF Real Estate is a full service commercial real estate brokerage company that provides owners and users of real estate with our expertise and knowledge to help them achieve their goals with respect to their real estate needs. JF Real Estate plans to continue developing our first class professionalism and reputation as the leader of brokerage services in Upstate NY and beyond. Hobbies: Tennis, swimming, racquetball, snowboarding. Keys to success: Hard work, integrity and surrounding myself with great people. Person you admire most (outside of the family): I admire people who are honest, hardworking, value their family and their health. If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Teacher/coach