Professional Profile: John Doherty 2017

Name: John Doherty - 2017
Title: Managing Partner, Manhattan office
Company: Tully Rinckey PLLC
Location: New York, NY
Birthplace: New York, NY
Family: Married with four children ages 8-19
College: Fordham University; Fordham Law School
First job unrelated to your current field: Besides cutting lawns and delivering papers, my first “real” job was washing dishes at the age of 15. It was a demanding role that not only helped me learn what it’s like to start at the bottom, but it gave me a better understanding of the important contributions employees of all levels make to get the job done. After all, without clean dishes, you can’t serve meals!
First job in current field: Law clerk at Cantor Fitzgerald, LP while enrolled in night school. After that, I was an associate with Brock, Silverstein & MacAuliffe, which is where I first learned how to handle complex commercial transactions.
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Currently, the firm contributes a major force within Federal Labor and Employment litigation. Our next big (and exciting) project, is that our NYC office in Manhattan has launched a corporate transactions practice. With this new focus, we are able to run domestic and international mergers & acquisitions deals, for sellers or buyers, while managing institutional clients through closing and integration. I personally enjoy fund structuring and investments the most. Aside from a broad range of business advisement and financial services we’re hoping to grow over the next few years, we also have significant experience in commercial real estate, healthcare, manufacturing and many other industries.
Hobbies: Coaching youth sports, Community Theater, playing a little poker
Favorite novel: The Grapes of Wrath
Favorite film: The Sting and The Usual Suspects - It was too tough to choose one!
Keys to success: Put the team before self and appreciate those around you; no one succeeds alone.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): This changes periodically as my own life changes, but recently, especially as my kids get older, I’ve been impressed with Archie Manning. He was a great quarterback in his own right who never gave up (despite playing for some dismal Saints teams). He raised his sons to be team leaders, winners and down-to-earth family men who give back to the community. I’m sure Mrs. Manning had a lot to do with it, but Archie was a high-profile celebrity and could have been self-centered and aloof if he so chose. However, the results speak for themselves - he wasn’t.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Catcher for the New York Yankees is my first choice; NYPD, like my father, would be a close second though.