Professional Profile: John Cali 2001

Name: John Cali - 2001
Title: Chairman emeritus and board member
Company: Mack-Cali Realty Corporation
Location: Cranford, NJ
Birthplace: Valdez, CO
Family: Married 27 years with 5 children College: Indiana University, BA First job outside of real estate: Musician/industrial psychologist First job in real estate or allied field: Investor/developer What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I do mostly advisory work and take care of our trusts. I like to participate in every way I can. Hobbies: Golf, Pitch N Putt, bocce, reading, charitable work Favorite book: "The Poisonwood Bible" Favorite movie: "Bridge On the River Kwai” Person you most admire (outside of family): Yogi Berra Key to success: Ambition If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Volunteer at the Yogi Berra Museum and Learning Center