Professional Profile: Jodi Smits Anderson 2017

Name: Jodi Smits Anderson - 2017
Title: Director Sustainability Programs
Company: DASNY
Location: Albany, NY
Birthplace: Groton, CT
Family: My husband, Maarten Smits, a recent citizen of the USA who writes exceptional novels. My son, Erik Kjell Smits, a hiker, photographer and spray paint artist.
College: RPI
First job unrelated to your current field: Demo Squad at Mystic Seaport Museum
First job in current field: Architectural intern for Gregory Seleman
What your firm does now and its plans for the future?:DASNY is an exceptional engine for NYS construction. We will sharpen our skills, and help clients achieve zero net energy, waste, water, toxins, and goals supporting local economy and community.
Hobbies: Hiking, kayaking, knitting, presenting and blogging on sustainability
Favorite novel: “A Winter’s Tale” by Mark Helprin
Favorite film: Ironic - “Harold and Maude”, Romantic - “Roman Holiday”
Keys to success: Communication, perseverance, and integrity. Plus kindness.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Paul Hawken - he sees the connections of the world…
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?:A mix of inspirational speaker, teacher and theatrical coach.