Professional Profile: Jennifer Tavares 2012

Name: Jennifer Tavares - 2012
Title: Director of Economic Development
Company: Commerce Chenango / Development Chenango / CCIDA
Location: Chenango County, NY
Birthplace: Albany, NY
Family: Married with two sons College: State University of New York, Potsdam; National Development Council First job in real estate or allied field: Economic Development Specialist at Commerce Chenango What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I direct economic development initiatives for a rural upstate New York county, including IDA projects, revolving loan funds, business planning & technical assistance, grant administration, and county-wide strategic planning. We have had several strong years despite a sluggish economy, and many businesses are investing in our area and creating jobs. We are looking forward to capturing this momentum to further grow our area. Hobbies: Pottery, guitar, running, hiking, camping Favorite book: "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" Favorite movie: "Lean on Me" Keys to success: Set short term and long term goals; Be persistent; Stay organized; Find time for family and friends. If you had to choose another vocation, what would it be? Making pottery and/or owning a café/bistro