Professional Profile: James Geiger 2013

Name: James Geiger - 2013
Title: Director of Business Development
Company: McGuire Development Co.
Location: 560 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, NY 14202
Birthplace: Buffalo, NY
Family: Married with 3 sons College: Erie Community College First job unrelated to your current field: Navajo Freight Lines First job in your current field: Hunt Commercial Real Estate Corp What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Real estate development, property management, joint ventures with medical groups, true transparency of contracts with our clients helping them negotiate and consulting to be sure they have the completed project on time and under budget. Hobbies: Golf, skiing, automobiles, sports Favorite film: "Rudy" Favorite novel: "The Pond" Keys to success: Dedication and commitment to my clients, follow up and continue reading and understanding the market place. Person you admire most (outside of the family): Navy Seals! If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Attorney