Professional Profile: Jacqueline Falk 2006

Name: Jacqueline Falk - 2006
Title: President
Company: JJ Falk Design LLC
Location: 276 Fifth Ave., Ste. 402, New York N.Y. 10001
Birthplace: Seoul, Korea, 1955
Family: Husband, Kenneth, and daughter, Alexandra College: University of Colorado (USA); University of Honglk (Seoul, Korea) First job outside of real estate: Design stylist First job in real estate or allied field: Architectural graphic assistant professor What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I am the president of a New York architectural firm overseeing 12 professionals, involved in corporate interiors and various other space planning related architectural work. I am planning to continue to grow the company and maintain being best in class in New York architectural interiors. Hobbies: Various sports like yoga, skiing and golf Favorite book: “Second Sex" by Simone Debovior Favorite movie: "Dr. Zhivago” Person you admire most (outside of family): Carlo Scarpa Keys to success: Passion and hard work If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Movie director