Professional Profile: Ira Saferstein 1999

Name: Ira Saferstein - 1999
Title: Managing Member
Company: Titan Management, .L.P.
Location: Greenwich, Conn.
Birthplace: Yonkers, 1959
Family: Married with one daughter College: University of Pa. (Wharton) First job outside of appraisal: Investment banking First job in real estate or allied field: Origination of lending What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: We are originators of commercial real estate bridge loans on East Coast. Plans are to expand to Midwest in 1999 and southwest in 2000, eventually nationwide Hobbies: Running and tennis Favorite book: "Guns of Navarone" Favorite Movie: “The Godfather" Person you most emulate: my Dad Key to success: Work If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Running scuba diving shop.