Professional Profile: Greg Gallimore 2018

Name: Greg Gallimore
Title: Director of Media Architecture
Company: ESI Design
Location: New York, NY
Birthplace: Long Beach Island, NJ
Education: BFA Production Design, University of North Carolina School of the Arts
First job: Cleaning fish lockers at a commercial fishing marina
First job in design: Theatrical set designer in summer stock theater
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I run the media architecture design practice at ESI Design. We primarily focus on dynamic media and lighting seamlessly built into permanent architectural environments for commercial buildings, corporate campuses, and public spaces. What I think about daily is how this will affect the future of architectural surfaces, and how experiences will become more digitally enabled, responsive to a person’s presence, multi-purposed, and personalized, whether it be your office, your kitchen or walking down the street.
How do you unwind from a busy day? I shift focus to different work. My free time is developing products and services to help children and families learn and live better lives – all inspired by my family. Nothing beats a toddler to keep you on your toes!
Favorite book or author: Tom Robbins
Favorite movie: I went to film school, so it’s kinda sacrilege to call out only one favorite, but I am quite fond of classic David Lean movies. Lawrence of Arabia, Doctor Zhivago and Bridge Over the River Kwai are all movies I have watched more than once.
Last song you purchased/downloaded? Pixies’ “Best Of” album. Why not?
One word to describe your work environment: Transformative.
Rules to live by in business: Establish trust and deliver on it – usually by being a good listener and by delivering a little extra postive excitement on each project.
What is your dream job? It is hard to beat what I am doing now, but I would love to reach even more people and help provide a positive impact to the world.