Professional Profile: George Crawford 2016

Name: George Crawford - 2016
Title: Principal
Company: Green Partners
Location: New York, NY
Birthplace: New York, NY
Education: Harvard University – AB Degree First job outside of real estate: Ensign, serving on board the USS Saratoga (CVA 60) First job in real estate or allied field: Property manager in New York City What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I am a principal of Green Partners and plan to continue for the balance of my career. How do you unwind from a busy day? The gym Favorite book or author: “The Gathering Storm,” by Winston Churchill Favorite movie: “Casablanca” Last song you purchased/downloaded? ”Non,” Je Ne Regrette Rien One word to describe your work environment: Fast-paced Rules to live by in business: Repeat business is the key What is your dream job? What I am doing now