Professional Profile: Erich Arcement 2006

Name: Erich Arcement - 2006
Title: Vice President/Director, Transportation Department
Company: Sam Schwartz PLLC
Location: New York, N.Y.
Birthplace: Bronx, N.Y., 1975
Family: Girlfriend of two years (we’re thinking about it) College: Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Cooper Union (1997), masters of Transportation Engineering and Planning, Brooklyn Polytechnic (2006) First job outside of real estate: Labeled pictures for a photographer First job in real estate or allied field: Traffic engineering intern at Sam Schwartz PLLC What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? For the real estate industry, Sam Schwartz PLLC (SSC) provides traffic engineering, transportation planning, urban design, construction support services, maintenance and protection of traffic and pedestrians and design mediation. We specialize in explaining difficult engineering concepts to people of all backgrounds such as developers, community boards, governmental agencies, and other consultants. Hobbies: Traveling (when possible) and rollerblading Favorite book: “Wizards First Rule” Favorite movie: “Office Space” and “Dark City” (couldn’t pick just one) Persons you admire most (outside of family): I couldn’t name one. But I admire people who work hard and harness their creativity and intellect to do something great. Keys to success: Being meticulous and obsessive about work quality, caring about what I do If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Psychologist or musician