Professional Profile: Eric Whiting 2016

Name: Eric Whiting - 2016
Title: Senior Associate Architect / Lead Designer
Company: Saratoga Associates
Location: Saratoga Springs, NY
Birthplace: Pittsfield, MA
Family: Son: Samuel, Daughter: Alexandra
College: North Carolina State University, BEDA, BA
First job unrelated to your current field: McDonalds (1982)
First job in current field: Hill Engineers, Architects & Planners (1986)
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Saratoga Associates is a design firm focused architecture, landscape architecture planning and engineering. Our interdisciplinary structure allows us to see the big picture but not lose track of the details that make a project unique. Looking forward, we will continue to succeed in our primary practice areas including state parks, higher education, and waterfront development.
Hobbies: Mountain and road cycling, painting, music
Favorite novel: “Moby Dick”
Favorite film: “Amelie”
Keys to Success: Passion for life. Always trying to find that perfect niche where interaction with a place, idea, or object can transform the human experience.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): The average working person who works a 40 hour week to barely support their family, but manages to remain a positive and does something every day to make this world a better place.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Industrial design. Unlike architecture, where many times the thoughts in an architects head may take years to be realized, product designers are often tasked with creating things on far shorter timelines. This can compress the entire design process to fruition, keeping ideas fresh and exciting.