Professional Profile: Elizabeth Kormos 2008

Name: Elizabeth Kormos - 2008
Title: Senior Consultant
Company: Conley Associates
Location: 194 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12210
Birthplace: Providence, R.I.
Family: Daughter: Ithaca College; son: SUNY Buffalo; husband: ARG Environmental College: BA, Mount Holyoke College, MS and MBA, Northeastern University First job outside of real estate: Director, Strategic Planning First job in real estate or allied field: VHA Development Company What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Tenant/buyer representation and commercial real estate consulting Hobbies: Gardening Favorite book: "Made to Stick," "Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die" Favorite movie: "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" Key to success: Hang in there If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Healthcare planning