Professional Profile: Douglas Bradley 1993

Name: Douglas Bradley - 1993
Title: President
Company: Bradley Real Estate & Development Corp.
Location: Buffalo, N.Y.; Sarasota, Fla.
Birthplace: Buffalo, N.Y., 1964
Family: Presently engaged; come from family of nine children High school/college activities: Nichols High School; B.A., from Denison University; played lacrosse; member Beta Theta Pi First job outside of real estate: While in school, summer job in landscaping First job in real estate or allied field: John W., Galbreath & Co. in Indianapolis, lnd. What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Presently manage, lease and develop commercial property and general brokerage; looking to expand development opportunities Extracurricular time: Nichols School Alumni Boards-president of Symphony Circle Person you most emulate (outside of family): Charlemagne Key to success: Hard work and a positive attitude If you were not successful in the business you are now in and were forced to choose as vocation, whether you are qualified or not, what would it be? Ski instructor in Colorado