Professional Profile: Dorothy Wasiak 2013

Name: Dorothy Wasiak - 2013
Title: Vice President
Company: PCGNY (Professional Construction Group of NY)
Location: New York, NY
Birthplace: N/A
College: The Pennsylvania State University, BS in business First job unrelated to your current field: Credit manager with a national building supplier First job in current field: Assistant project manager What your firm does now and its plans for the future? PCGNY is proud to be called industry leader and "building envelope" contractor of choice. We are known for our expertise in application of liquid waterproofing/roofing systems and LEED technology. We specialize in conventional and green roofing, waterproofing and exterior restoration. The knowledge gathered through experience together with our relationships with key asset owners puts us in a prime position to help deliver more sustainable alternatives for communities and all stakeholders we work for. Our plans are to grow the business and provide the best social, economic and environmental solutions to our clients by facilitating the adoption of USGBC recommended green building practices on our projects. Hobbies: Traveling and reading Favorite author: Dan Brown Favorite film: "Out of Africa" Keys to success: Persistence, integrity, communication and being true to my beliefs. Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Hillary Clinton If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Public relations or law