Professional Profile: Denise Brooks, 2017

Name: Denise Brooks
Title: Principal/Architect
Company: Brooks Design Associates-Architecture and Habitech Design and Planning-Interior Design
Location: Huntington, NY
Birthplace: New York City
Education: Bachelor of Architecture - NY Institute of Technology
First job outside of real estate: Drafting at father’s Architectural Design firm, Habitech
First job in real estate or allied field: Worked with tenant representatives, brokers and clients to; evaluate rental spaces, strategic pre-lease workletter review to maximize usable areas and budgets.
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Focusing on individual and organizational productivity, delivering intelligent planning and aesthetic designs for work/living. I envision contributing my experience, skills and talents; collaborating with innovation focused health organizations, developing better, healthier, accessible built environments.
How do you unwind from a busy day? Read, Yoga, Count my blessings
Favorite book or author: “Boomsday” by Christopher Buckley
Favorite movie: Any past, present or future exceptionally intelligent comedies.
Last song you purchased/downloaded? “Purple Rain”
One word to describe your work environment: Adaptable
Rules to live by in business: The Golden Rule
What is your dream job? I live my dream job; my dream project is to completely design a public non-denominational sacred space, down to the last detail.