Professional Profile: Deborah Schwager Froling 2006

Name: Deborah Schwager Froling - 2006
Title: Shareholder
Company: Hirschler Fleischer
Location: Richmond, Va.
Birthplace: Cortland, N.Y.
Family: Husband, three children and a dog College: College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.; law school-Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. First job outside of real estate: Frt. Desk supervisor, Ramada Inn, Williamsburg, Va. First job in real estate or allied field: Legal secretary What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Hirschler Fleisher’s R.E. securities practice group is a law firm in the tenant in common industry. Plans for the future include continuing to be a leader in the tenant in common industry, as well as the R.E. securities world in general and growing with our clients to provide them with legal advice in their future endeavors. Hobbies: Sports of all kinds, home remodeling and gardening Person you most admire: My grandmother, Rosalind Schwager Keys to success: Being able to relate to technical legal issues to practical business applications; returning phone calls and answering e-mails promptly; and being myself.